InstallSHIELD Software Coporation (c) 1990-1997 SRCDIR SRCDISK TARGETDISK TARGETDIR WINDIR WINDISK WINSYSDIR WINSYSDISK ERRORFILENAME INFOFILENAME SUPPORTDIR CMDLINE ISVERSION SHARED UNINST ISRES ISUSER FOLDER_DESKTOP FOLDER_STARTMENU FOLDER_STARTUP PROGRAMFILES COMMONFILES MEDIA FOLDER_PROGRAMS SHELL_OBJECT_FOLDERH LAST_RESULT CMDVALUE HINST_INSTALL BATCH_INSTALL LOGHANDLE _sdRECT right bottom _sdSIZE ISOSVERSIONINFO ISIOSVersionInfoSize ISIMajorVersion ISIMinorVersion ISIBuildNumber ISIPlatformId szISCSDVersion KERNEL32 GetVersionEx SelectObject GetTextExtentPoint EnableWindow GetClassName GetDC GetDlgItem GetFocus GetWindowLong GetWindowRect GetWindowWord IsIconic IsWindow IsWindowEnabled MoveWindow USER ReleaseDC SetFocus SetWindowText ShowWindow LoadString KERNEL GetModuleHandle GetClientRect SetWindowPos PostMessage ShowCursor SystemParametersInfo setup.bmp6 FSTOPW_EXER) setup.bmp6 HOOKSHELL! HIDDEN! AUTO! NOCOPY! INSTALL=! FSTOPW! NORUN=! FSTOPW! IMPORTFPWIN=! IMPORTFSTOPW=! VDEFS=! INSTALLDIR=! Unable to create the directorya INSTALLMENU=! F-Prot for Windowsa. install setup, doesn't recognize the command:$ ERROR: Unable to open b HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT( HKEY_CURRENT_USER( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE( HKEY_USERS( HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG( Error occured while trying to write to registry. Your registry settings could be corrupted!A F-STOPW! REGEDIT.EXE$ Unable to launch regeditA Custom( F-Prot for Windows! F-STOPW! F-STOPW! IDS_CLEANFSTOP302R FSTOP_WARNINGR COMPANY_NAMER PRODUCT_VERSIONR PRODUCT_KEYR F-STOPWb fprot.isu UNINST_KEYR ERROR_UNINSTSETUPR PRODUCT_KEYR UNINST_DISPLAY_NAMER File transfer completed Copying virus definitions files ... Copying virus definitions files ... sign.defR sign2.defR macro.defR sign.defa sign.def! sign2.defa sign2.def! macro.defa macro.def! ERRORCOPYR DEF_WARNINGR ERROR_MOVEDATAR ERROR_COMPONENTR ERROR_FILEGROUPR ERROR_FILER TITLE_CAPTIONBARR FPROTW_EXER FSTOPW_EXER FMACROW_EXER FPROT_EXER F-STOPW! F-STOPW! FOLDER_NAMER PRODUCT_PATHR ERROR_PLATFORMR PROGRAM_FOLDERR F-Prot for Windows TITLE_MAINR TITLE_CAPTIONBARR ERROR_VGARESOLUTIONR F-STOPWa$ can't be installed under Windows NT* license.txt Can not install F-StopW on WinNT!A F-STOPWA F-STOPWA Compact! F-STOPWA F-STOPWA Typical! Custom! Custom( INSTALL_COMPLETEDR F-Prot for Windows$ F-Prot for Windows Create Virus Scan Action in Windows Explorer F-STOPW$ and F-STOPW INSTALL_COMPLETEDR The install program will now start b REBOOTR Custom Custom" F-STOPWA F-STOPWA F-STOPWA F-STOPWA F-STOPWA Install Type:A Update current install.A Setup has detected that you have already installed all components.B F-STOPW! F-STOPWa .lnk@ F-STOPWa .lnk@ F-STOPWa .lnk1 Error occured while trying to write to registry. Your registry settings could be corrupted!A F-ProtW! Error occured while trying to write to registry. Your registry settings could be corrupted!A Software\Frisk Software International\FP-Win Program rootQ Software\Frisk Software International\FP-Wina \Languages\$ English Help% FpWinEng.hlpQ LanguageDLL% FpEngDll.dllQ Software\Frisk Software International\FP-Wina \Languages\$ slenska Help% FpWinIsl.hlpQ LanguageDLL% FpIslDll.dllQ Software\Frisk Software International\FP-Wina \Settings ReportFile% Report.txtQ \Shell \Shelld \Shell\$ \Command \Shell\$ Error occured while trying to write to registry. Your registry settings could be corrupted!A .CLASS Directory! Drive! Error occured while trying to write to registry. Your registry settings could be corrupted!A FPROTW_EXER .CLASS \ShellP \Shell\$ Scan with F-ProtP \Shell\$ Scan with F-Prot$ \CommandP Directory! Directory\ShellP Directory\Shell\a Scan with F-ProtP Directory\Shell\a Scan with F-Prot$ \CommandP Drive! Drive\ShellP Drive\Shell\a Scan with F-ProtP Drive\Shell\a Scan with F-Prot$ \CommandP Error occured while trying to write to registry. Your registry settings could be corrupted!A F-StopW! Error occured while trying to write to registry. Your registry settings could be corrupted!A Software\Frisk Software International\F-STOPW Program rootQ MoveDir% MovedQ F-stopwQ Exclusions% Moved$ \*.*][win386.swp]Q LanguageQ Error occured while trying to write to registry. Your registry settings could be corrupted!A Software\Frisk Software International\F-STOPWa Software\Frisk Software International\F-STOPWa ActionA Software\Frisk Software International\F-STOPWa AppendA Software\Frisk Software International\F-STOPWa ArchivesA Software\Frisk Software International\F-STOPWa CompressedExeA Software\Frisk Software International\F-STOPWa DisableA Moved\*.*][win386.swp]$ Software\Frisk Software International\F-STOPWa ExclusionsA Software\Frisk Software International\F-STOPWa EXE,COM,SYS,VXD,DLL,DRV,SCR,386,XL?,DOC,DOT,OV?,CPL,FON,TSK,HTA,CHM,XML,CDR,aL ACM,ACV,TLB,TSP,OCX,VBX,OBJ,SHS,CLA,MDB,TD0,BAT,BTM,INI,INF,MSG,EML,OFT,OBZ,$ HT?,VBS,SMM,MPP,RTF,MPT,PP?,POT,WBK,PWZ,MSO,GMS,CSC,HLP,WPD,WK?,DVB,WBT,OBD,OBT( Software\Frisk Software International\F-STOPWa ExtensionsA Software\Frisk Software International\F-STOPWa FloppyBootA Software\Frisk Software International\F-STOPWa F-StopWA Software\Frisk Software International\F-STOPWa HeuristicsA Software\Frisk Software International\F-STOPWa IconA EXE,COM,SYS,VXD,DLL,DRV,SCR,386,XL?,DOC,DOT,OV?,CPL,FON,TSK,HTA,CHM,XML,CDR,aL ACM,ACV,TLB,TSP,OCX,VBX,OBJ,SHS,CLA,MDB,TD0,BAT,BTM,INI,INF,MSG,EML,OFT,OBZ,$ HT?,VBS,SMM,MPP,RTF,MPT,PP?,POT,WBK,PWZ,MSO,GMS,CSC,HLP,WPD,WK?,DVB,WBT,OBD,OBT( Software\Frisk Software International\F-STOPWa InUseA Software\Frisk Software International\F-STOPWa LanguageA Software\Frisk Software International\F-STOPWa Software\Frisk Software International\F-STOPWa LogFileNameA F-STOP.REPB Software\Frisk Software International\F-STOPWa LogToFileA Software\Frisk Software International\F-STOPWa MacroSpecialA Moved Moved( Software\Frisk Software International\F-STOPWa MoveDirA Software\Frisk Software International\F-STOPWa OnlyLogA Software\Frisk Software International\F-STOPWa OnShutDownA Software\Frisk Software International\F-STOPWa Program rootA Software\Frisk Software International\F-STOPWa ScanOnA Software\Frisk Software International\F-STOPWa StopMacrosA Software\Frisk Software International\F-STOPWa TypeA Software\Frisk Software International\F-STOPWa UserExtensionsA Error occured while trying to write to registry. Your registry settings could be corrupted!A Software\Frisk Software International\FP-Wina Software\Frisk Software International\FP-Wina Program RootA Software\Frisk Software International\FP-Wina \Languages\$ EnglishP Software\Frisk Software International\FP-Wina \Languages\$ English% FpWinEng.hlp HelpA Software\Frisk Software International\FP-Wina \Languages\$ English% FpEngDll.dll LanguageDLLA Software\Frisk Software International\FP-Wina \Languages\$ English ENGLISHA Software\Frisk Software International\FP-Wina \Languages\$ English NumFilesA Software\Frisk Software International\FP-Wina \Languages\$ slenskaP Software\Frisk Software International\FP-Wina \Languages\$ slenska% FpWinIsl.hlp HelpA Software\Frisk Software International\FP-Wina \Languages\$ slenska% FpIslDll.dll LanguageDLLA Software\Frisk Software International\FP-Wina \Languages\$ slenska ISLENSKAA Software\Frisk Software International\FP-Wina \Languages\$ slenska NumFilesA Software\Frisk Software International\FP-Wina \Default Task Software\Frisk Software International\FP-Wina \Normal Task Software\Frisk Software International\FP-Wina \Profiles$ \Default Profile NumTasksA Software\Frisk Software International\FP-Wina \Profiles$ \Default Profile$ \Task0 Software\Frisk Software International\FP-Wina \Profiles$ \Floppy drive A: NumTasksA Software\Frisk Software International\FP-Wina \Profiles$ \Floppy drive A:$ \Task0 WhereA [11913]B Software\Frisk Software International\FP-Wina \Profiles$ \Floppy drive A:$ \Task0 Software\Frisk Software International\FP-Wina \Profiles$ \Hard drives NumTasksA Software\Frisk Software International\FP-Wina \Profiles$ \Hard drives$ \Task0 WhereA [11914]B Software\Frisk Software International\FP-Wina \Profiles$ \Hard drives$ \Task0 Software\Frisk Software International\FP-Wina \Profiles$ \CD-ROM NumTasksA Software\Frisk Software International\FP-Wina \Profiles$ \CD-ROM$ \Task0 WhereA [11999]B Software\Frisk Software International\FP-Wina \Profiles$ \CD-ROM$ \Task0 Software\Frisk Software International\FP-Wina \Profiles$ \Net drives NumTasksA Software\Frisk Software International\FP-Wina \Profiles$ \Net drives$ \Task0 WhereA [11917]B Software\Frisk Software International\FP-Wina \Profiles$ \Net drives$ \Task0 Software\Frisk Software International\FP-Wina \SettingsP Software\Frisk Software International\FP-Wina \Settings BeepA Software\Frisk Software International\FP-Wina \Settings EmailAddressA place your e-mail address hereB Software\Frisk Software International\FP-Wina \Settings EmailServerA place your e-mail server name hereB Software\Frisk Software International\FP-Wina \Settings LanguageA EnglishB Software\Frisk Software International\FP-Wina \Settings OverwriteReportA Software\Frisk Software International\FP-Wina \Settings ReportAllA Software\Frisk Software International\FP-Wina \Settings% Report.txt ReportFileA Software\Frisk Software International\FP-Wina \Settings ReportToFileA Software\Frisk Software International\FP-Wina \VersionP Software\Frisk Software International\FP-Wina \Version NumberA 1.00B Software\Frisk Software International\FP-Wina \Version PRODUCT_VERSIONR Package versionA Software\Frisk Software International\FP-Wina \Version PackageA F-Prot for WindowsA ActionA ArchivesA ArjFilesA BootSectorA .CLASS ByContentExtensionExtensionsA .CLASS ByExtensionExtensionsA CompressedA ConfirmA DisinfectionA DisplayMessageA F-Prot has found a virus. Virus : [15015] Location : [15013][15012]B EmailFlagA EmailMessageA F-Prot has found a virus on client [15014]. More detail can be found in the report file below. [15016]B EmailRecepientA e-mail address of recepientB EmailSubjectA e-mail from F-Prot : F-Prot has found a virus on client [15014]B EnabledA FilesToScanA HeuristicsFlagA MessageFlagA Moved MoveToFolderA NoScanKnownA RemoveAllMacrosA SubFoldersA WhereA [11914]B ZipFilesA Error occured while trying to write to registry. Your registry settings could be corrupted!A Software\Frisk Software International\F-STOPW! Software\Frisk Software International\F-STOPWa Program root2 nm8877 Q123dC[]! nm8877 Q123dC[]! Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\a F-STOPW 3.02 Error occured while trying to write to registry. Your registry settings could be corrupted!A Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\F-STOPW 3.02 UninstallStringR DisplayName2 f-stopw.exeR f-stopw Error occured while trying to write to registry. Your registry settings could be corrupted!A Software\Frisk Software International\FP-Win! Software\Frisk Software International\FP-Wina Program Root2 FriskWindowClassa FriskWindowClassa F-MACROWa F-MACROW! F-MACROWa F-MACROW! FSTOPW_EXER F-STOPWb F-STOPWb FPROTW_EXER /NORMAL=[11913]: Floppy drivesb /NORMAL=[11914]: Hard drivesb /NORMAL=[11917]: Network drivesb /NORMAL=[11999]: CD-ROMb FPROTW_EXER F-Prot for Windowsb Error occured while trying to write to registry. Your registry settings could be corrupted!A UNINST_KEYR Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\b UninstallStringR Uninstallb Error occured while trying to write to registry. Your registry settings could be corrupted!A UNINST_KEYR Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\b UninstallStringR FORMERVERR DETECTED_WINDOWR F-Prot for Windows$ DETECTED_ASKR DETECTED_WINDOWR F-STOPW$ DETECTED_ASKR DETECTED_WINDOWR DETECTED_ASKR edit( SETUPSTR862R Disk Space0 temp.txt temp.txt In function '%s': Unable to create dialog. Make sure the _ISRES.DLL is in _SYS.CAB. Errorb _sdSIZEa %s-%ldb \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion, \Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion, USER! RegisteredOwner2 RegisteredOrganization2 ISIOSVersionInfoSizeA szISCSDVersion2 SdRegisterUserEx! ResultA szNameA szCompanyA szSerialA SdRegisterUserEx! szNameA szCompanyA szSerialA ResultA SdRegisterUser! ResultA szNameA szCompanyA SdRegisterUser! szNameA szCompanyA ResultA SdConfirmRegistration! ResultA SdConfirmRegistration! ResultA SdConfirmNewDir! ResultA SdConfirmNewDir! ResultA SdAskDestPath! ResultA szDirA SdAskDestPath! szDirA ResultA SdWelcome! ResultA SdWelcome! 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